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Broadlink Smart Plug SP4L-UK on a cheap price for sale

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it lets you voice control your light, fan, coffee makers, air humidifier and more. All you need is an Alexa or Google assistant enabled device like Echo, Google home, or even just the Alexa / Google home app on your phone. And with multiple BroadLink Smart Plugs, you can build your own smart life, r....

Broadlink Smart Plug SP4L-UK on a cheap price details


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Rwf 40,000
Availability: In Stock

its called Broadlink Smart Plug SP4L-UK on a cheap price it lets you voice control your light, fan, coffee makers, air humidifier and more. All you need is an Alexa or Google assistant enabled device like Echo, Google home, or even just the Alexa / Google home app on your phone. And with multiple BroadLink Smart Plugs, you can build your own smart life, remote control and set schedules for multiple outlets from anywhere in the world.

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