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Igipangu kirimo amazu 22 akodeshwa kiragurishwa

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Abakiriya bashaka kugura muri Remera ahantu hinjiza 1M irenga kukwezi you can Buy a full compound that has 22 houses for rent within it and sitting rooms, The place is strategically located. iki gipangu cyose kiragurishwa kdi gifitemo amazu 22 akodeshwa mimbere....

Commercial House Igipangu kirimo amazu 22 akodeshwa, Igipangu cyose kiri kwisoko details


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Rwf 400,000,000
Availability: In Stock

its called Commercial House Igipangu kirimo amazu 22 akodeshwa, Igipangu cyose kiri kwisoko Abakiriya bashaka kugura muri Remera ahantu hinjiza 1M irenga kukwezi you can Buy a full compound that has 22 houses for rent within it and sitting rooms, The place is strategically located. iki gipangu cyose kiragurishwa kdi gifitemo amazu 22 akodeshwa mimbere

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